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Night of the Living Dead (1968)

This little low-budget classic set the standard for future horror films. It also kick started the zombie subgenre as we know it today. The set up of a group of people banding together in an isolated farmhouse during a growing epidemic is simple, but the execution is superb, and anything but simple. The undertones about racism (intentional or not), add a nice little social commentary to the terrifying and gruesome scenes filled with shocks and suspense, and I love how this is all done so intelligently, makes the most of it's budget and other limitations, and is very memorable, not least of which for some of the groundbreaking things done here, namely the casting, subject matter, effects, and ending. Sure, some of the acting is a little weak, but overall, this is a supremely iconic and important film, so it really is a must-see.

Night of the Living Dead Quotes

They're coming to get you Barbara.

They're coming to get you Barbara.

I ought to drag you out there and FEED you to those things!

It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of murder. A widespread investigation of funeral homes, morgues, and hospitals has concluded that the unburied dead have been returning to life and seeking human victims. It's hard for us here to be reporting this to you, but it does seem to be a fact.